Lvl 8

Hidden Express Level 8 - Fisherman Folly


Fisherman Folly
      1. Crab
      2. Moon
      3. Periscope
      4. Shovel
      5. Swimmer
      6. Gloves
      7. Tentacle
      8. Monkey
      9. Raft
      10. Dolphins
      11. Parasail
      12. Lobster
      13. Red net
      14. Spray bottle
      15. Chain
      16. Binoculars
      17. Guitar
      18. Flashlight
      19. Fire extinguisher
      20. Cooking shears
      21. Rain boots
      22. Rescue rope
      23. Bus
      24. Cleaver
      25. Shark fin
      26. Diving helmet
      27. Thermos
      28. Lantern
      29. Hose
      30. Satellite dish
      31. Cards
      32. Seagull
      33. Buoy
      34. Light House
      35. red coral
      36. Garden Shears
      37. Fish
      If I missed any objects please leave a comment so that I can update the picture. Thanks